Home Support Advanced post slider Slider 3 – carousel

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    I have slider 3 with carousel.
    I set nubers of slide: 3.

    Is it possible to change only one slide, not all three, when I click next button?

    Digonto Ahsan

    Hello Kfiatek, I didn’t get your question properly. Would you able to explain it little more.



    Ok, I’ll try on example:


    I have template 3 with carousel.
    In carousel options I have “Number of slide: 3”

    It looks great, but when I click next / previous button scrolls all 3 slides, and I see 3 new slides.

    Is it possible to set, that when I click next button, only one slide scrolls?

    old_slide1 old_slide2 old_slide3
    click “Next”
    old_slide2 old_slide3 new_slide1

    Something like that 😉

    Digonto Ahsan

    We don’t have option for it right now. To keep things simple we didn’t add this so far. Though modifying plugins file is not recommended but if you need it then try the following solution

    Open ‘advanced-post-slider.php’ from plugin folder, go to line no around 514
    look for the following code

    minSlides: <?php echo $caro_ticker['advps_caro_slds']?>,

    and replace the line with

    minSlides: 1,

    then add the following line of code just below the previous line

    moveSlides: 1,


    It works like a charm!
    Thank you Digonto for great plugin and help.

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