Advanced post slider 3.0.0
Finally, we have upgraded the Advanced post slider to version 3.0.0 to make it nicer,…
Advanced post slider 2.2.0 is now available. Here is the list of things committed to this version
The applied query optimization will reduce database query request. For that, this version will be faster than previous version.
There was a z-index issue with pager. If you put the pager in slider body in front of the image for template one then the pager was not visible or click able. That’s for z-index and its resolved in this version.
Another thing is the slider container id. There was a possibility of conflict with other plugin or your theme. So I make it more unique.
Container id is changed to advps_containerX from containerX. Here ‘X’ is your slideshow id (numeric). For first slider the container id should be advps_container1.
So, if you write CSS in your theme to override slider CSS something like
#container1 p{....}
Change it to something like the following
#advps_container1 p{....}
i cannot change option because the slides show drop down buttons do not responde.
and i made 2 account stabijjack en stabijpiet but do not receive a activation mail
Hi, jack I activated your account with username stabijpiet. Please post your problem to our support forum.
I just updated, and now it appears that the slider on our site is broken/incorrect format too.
having the same issue !
I love the ideal and look of this slider. But I cant get it to work correctly. I’ve selected query, max posts 10, Order by Date, Order Descending,…doesnt seem to matter what I select, it shows the same posts. I’m using a custom post type (event). I was definetly hoping it would show newest published to oldest, but no matter what the settings its is showing oldest to newest. It also doesnt make a difference what I set Max No of Posts to…it shows 6.
I REALLY want to use this plugin, any help you could provide would be appreciated!
Its little difficult to suggest something with your provided information as I cant check your admin settings and I cant reproduce the problem in my environment.
First make sure you are changing right option set. Check the ID of your used short code and ID of short code at Label & Usage section.
After changing the options re-fresh the page and check that options are saved properly.
Check that there are no javascript conflict.
I am using template three and had to add a fixed height for each slideshow (#advpsslideshow_3, etc) in my CSS with overflow hidden so all the posts don’t show initially in a long list on page load. Is there an easier way to do this?
When my homepage loads with the slider, the images first load vertically then after about a second or 2 they will align correctly.
I am using version 2.2.0
If I Select post using Query it dosen’t work…