Home Support Advanced post slider Slider not showing full height of image

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  • #471

    This site was designed by someone else. I was contacted by the client because after upgrading wordpress and your plugin, the full height of the image is now not displayed. According to them, it was working fine before the upgrade. Looking through your plugin, I can only find where the width of the slide is set, but nothing about the height.

    This is the site

    This is one of the posts it is pulling from

    Why is the image not appearing its full size? Width is set to 650px so it should be.

    Digonto Ahsan

    First, from ‘Container & Thumbnail’ section check which thumbnail size is used. Then go to ‘Thumbnail’ tab and change height. Check screenshot.

    Advanced post slider changing thumbnail height

    Also, you can use full size image by selecting ‘full’ from select thumbnail drop-down. (Container & Thumbnail section)


    The slider was set to advps_thumbnail_one, which has a size of 648px x 366px and no crop, which should be displaying the full image, but is not. I tried changing the thumbnail to “full” and it still is displaying incorrectly.

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