Home Support Advanced post slider Slider Position on Page

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  • #521

    I have placed the adv slider code manually on a page (as in [advps-slideshow optset="7"] and not adding it through “widgets”) but the slider is showing all the way to the left and the page’s sidebar is not shown next to it.

    So basically the page looks like the following (hw=home widget area and sb=sidebar)

    [HW] [HW] [SB]
    [HW] [HW] [SB]

    What I would like is:

    [AdvSlider] [SB]
    [HW] [HW] [SB]
    [HW] [HW] [SB]

    Does anyone know how to have the Adv Slider on a page with sidebar next to it, but not just adding it through placing a widget (actually manually placing the code in the page itself)?

    I’m using the Wind theme and the Home Widgets Page Template for my homepage.

    Any help would be appreciated.

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