Advanced post slider

A multipurpose responsive slideshow plugin powered with three built-in design template, lots of easy customizable options and many more to explore.
Advanced post slider is a feature rich slideshow plugin for your WordPress site. Most amazing feature of this plugin is you can show unlimited number of slideshow in a single page or post with different set of options and look. You can change the format and look of slideshow without changing code. Just you need to choose template and change options according to your need. Most of all is drop-down and color picker. So you don’t need to write much.
Checkout the highlighted features of this plugin.
- Fully responsive
- Supports multiple slideshow in a single page or post
- Three built-in design format and each have a predefined optionset
- Three different types of pagination (number, bullet, thumbnail)
- Three different types of slideshow (standard, carousel, ticker)
- Supports post, custom post type and even page content
- Ability to choose multiple category
- Ability to choose thumbnail
- Lots of effects and easing
- Easy option for adjusting slide container width, height, background color, border and box-shadow. You can easily turn on/off border and box-shadow
- Easy option for title font color and size. Also you can choose different font color and size for excerpt
- Ability to control excerpt length for each slideshow
- Enable/Disable link for slide and supports custom link
- Turn on/off pagination
- Turn on/off navigation
- Compatible with WooCommerce. You can create beautiful product slideshow for your WooCommerce store.
- Cross browser compatibility